It's nice to meet you!

I have always been challenged with the question of “what do you want to be when you grow up?”.

In my years of searching for what I wanted to be I was never able to pin point a certain job title. I thought maybe hospitality would be the ticket. I tried the barista thing which led to a beginning in sales. I decided that I wanted to continue my college education (it is never too late!). And graduated with a business marketing degree.

I couldn’t help thinking that although I experienced success and enjoyed what I was learning it still wasn’t a perfect fit. What was it about past jobs that helped me succeed if that was not “the thing”? My strength in all of my past experience came down to being an independent thinker that gets things done. I excelled at organizing work spaces and creating systems that worked efficiently for myself and others.

Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” – Alan Cohen

Word got out, or maybe I just told people, that I liked to organize things, so friends and family started asking me to come help organize bedrooms, kitchens, and craft closets. It brought me so much joy to walk into a room that was not being used to its full potential and leave them with something they could enjoy and now utilize.

My goal is to work with others to create spaces of inspiration. To reduce frustration and stress by working together through the clutter and chaos that gets in the way. Benjamin Franklin once said, “For every minute spent organizing an hour is earned.” I want to create more hours to be enjoyed doing the things that bring satisfaction to others.

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned” – Benjamin Franklin

I truly believe it is not about perfection but about using what you have in the best way possible. When everything is in its place you will have the freedom to think and move in a more uncluttered space.

Blogs By Wendy