How to Organize Your Bathroom: Tips for Maximizing Storage and Keeping Your Space Clean

I feel like now is a good time to focus on a good  “this is how you do it” article (anyone else have to sing that part?). The bathroom is one of THE MOST USED rooms in the house, so it’s important to keep it organized and clean. I find that an organized space helps me keep it clean. Putting things in their designated place makes cleaning the space quicker and easier. Which means you are more likelier to do it.

The how to’s of an organized bathroom 👉👉👉

  1. Declutter – After all this time together does that really surprise you?

    The first step to organizing your bathroom, and any space is to declutter. Go through all of your bathroom products and get rid of anything that you don’t use, need, or love. This could include old makeup, expired medications, empty bottles, and anything else that you’re not using. Once you’ve decluttered, you’ll have a much better idea of what you need to store and how to store it. I think it will surprise you how much you can get rid of out of such a small space.

  2.  Create zones – Does any of this sound familiar yet?

    Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to create zones in your bathroom. This will help you to keep everything organized and in its space. You could create zones for different types of products, such as makeup, haircare, skincare, and cleaning supplies. You could also create zones for different activities, such as showering, getting dressed, and grooming. I also like to keep a cleaning kit close by the bathtub so that when the grand littles are over I can do a bonus clean while they bathe.

  3. Use the vertical space – If you need more space go up.

    Most bathrooms have a lot of vertical space that is often wasted. Use this space to your advantage by installing shelves, drawers, or cabinets. This will give you more storage space and help to keep your bathroom looking neat and tidy.

  4. Get creative with storage – You don’t have to buy new stuff.

    There are many different ways to store bathroom products. You don’t have to stick to traditional storage solutions. Get creative and use what you have. For example, you could use baskets or jars, to store your products. You could also use wall-mounted organizers or over-the-door hooks to free up counter space.
  5. Keep it up.

    The best way to keep your bathroom organized is to stay on it. I like to have my “reset” weekends. It isn’t a full on organize but a real quick refresh. It is a good time to clean my make up brushes and remind myself of the things I use and don’t use and check all of my expiration dates.

Now that your bathroom is organized, you can finally relax and enjoy your morning routine. Or, take a long bath and read a good book. I’m always happy to help with bathroom organization, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Until next time, stay organized!

I hope this helps!