Treat Your Space Like Your Own Museum

Decluttering has become a popular trend in recent years. There are books, articles, and even TV shows dedicated to helping people get rid of their clutter. But what if I told you that there’s a better way to approach organizing your life?

I’m not saying that decluttering is bad. In fact, it’s a big part of my job. It can be a very necessary helpful first step in getting organized. But I believe that even better than decluttering; curating your space is the best way to organize your life.

“In order to be a good gatekeeper, you have to think of your house as sacred space, not storage space. ”

— Francine Jay, in “The Joy of Less”

Curation is the act of selecting, organizing, and presenting a collection of items. It’s more than just getting rid of stuff. It’s about creating a space that reflects your values and priorities.

When you curate your life, you’re not just getting rid of things you don’t need. You’re also choosing to keep the things that are most important to you. This can help you feel more grounded, focused, and in control of your life.

“Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.”

— Nate Berkus

So if decluttering just has not been your thing maybe curating it will work for you. You laugh… but here are just a few ways that curating brings a different perspective to our life.

  • Decluttering can be negative. The word “declutter” is kind of negative. It can make us feel like we’ve done something wrong by having too much stuff. Curation, on the other hand, is a more positive word. It suggests that we’re creating something beautiful and meaningful.
  • Decluttering can be overwhelming. When we start decluttering, we often get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff we have. This can lead to us feeling stressed and discouraged. Curation, on the other hand, can be a more manageable process. We can start by focusing on one area of our lives at a time, such as our home, our office, or our digital life.
  • Decluttering doesn’t always lead to lasting change. It’s easy to get rid of stuff in the moment, but it’s harder to keep it that way. We often find ourselves back in the same situation a few months or even a few weeks later. Curation, on the other hand, can help us create lasting change. When we curate our lives, we’re making a conscious decision to live in a way that reflects our values and priorities. This can help us stay on track and make better choices in the long run.

If you’re ready to start curating your life, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Start by thinking about your values and priorities. What are the things that are most important to you? What do you want your life to look like?
  2. Once you know your values and priorities, start to identify the belongings that align with them. These are the belongings that you want to keep and have in your home.
  3. Get rid of anything that doesn’t align with your values and priorities. This may be difficult, but it’s important to be ruthless.
  4. Once you’ve decluttered, start to organize your belongings in a way that makes sense to YOU. This could involve creating systems for storing your belongings, or simply arranging them in a way that you find aesthetically pleasing.
  5. Take some time to enjoy your newly curated space. Take a walk around your home and appreciate the things that you’ve chosen to keep. This one is a big one for me. Sometimes my clients think I am weird when I stop and have a cheerleader moment. But it is SOOOO important to look at what you have accomplished and cheer for it.

Curation is a great way to declutter your life and create a space that you love. It’s a more mindful and intentional approach to organizing that can help you feel more relaxed and in control.

“Our homes should inspire us to go out into the world to do great things & then welcome us back for refreshment.”

— Melissa Michaels

As always I am here for you. If you want to start the journey and need a cheerleader or someone to give you a nudge in the right direction let’s schedule a free no obligation consultation to get you started.