But Why Won’t It Stay That Way?

We’ve all been there. We start off with the best of intentions, determined to get our lives in order. We declutter our homes, create systems for our belongings, and make a plan to stay organized. But then, life happens. We get busy, we procrastinate, and before we know it, our spaces are a mess again.

So what’s the deal? Why is it so hard to stay organized?

Well, there are a few reasons.

First, getting organized is a one-time event, but staying organized is an ONGOING PROCESS. It takes time, effort, and commitment to keep your spaces clean and tidy.

Second, staying organized requires a change in mindset. You have to be INTENTIONAL about your belongings and how you store them. You can’t just throw everything in a drawer and hope for the best.

Finally, staying organized can be boring(well at least less glamourous) . It’s not as exciting as decluttering or creating a new system. But it’s important to remember that the benefits of staying organized far outweigh the costs.

“Getting organized is easy. Staying organized is the real challenge.”

– Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, The Home Edit

Some of you are thinking, “Getting organized does not seem easy. It seems overwhelming and exhausting.” That is true there is some blood, sweat and tears that may need to go into the act of getting organized. But there are methods to that madness and of course there are people like me (and indeed…me) that you can hire that will come in and hopefully make the process much easier. Once all of the magic has happened, and you are left with the glorious after glow of harmony, the pressure may start to set in.

But not to worry. Here are a few tips to help you stay organized:

  1. Create a system that works for you. Not anyone else. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to organizing. What works for one person might not work for another. So take some time to experiment and find a system that you can stick with. We all work different and all our spaces are different. It is ok to take a system on a test drive and change things up if it doesn’t work.
  2. Make it a habit. Just like any other habit, staying organized takes practice. Make it a point to declutter and tidy up on a regular basis. Even if you can only spare 2-5 minutes a day, it will make a big difference in the long run. Set a timer and make it happen. You will be suprised what you can get done. (I was surprised that I could get the dishwasher undone while I waited for my coffee to be ready one morning.) This is a really great tool to use with kids. “How many toys can you put in this basket before the bell rings?”
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling to stay organized, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend, family member, or EVEN professional organizer. They can offer guidance and support as you work towards your goals. Getting a second perspective can be a game changer. If it is just a new perspective on a room. Take a picture. Sometimes a picture will give you a perspective that you don’t see by just being in it.
  4. Be intentional about what goes back in. After you have done all the work of getting organized and creating systems start being brutal about what you are willing to add back in. Think about where things will fit before you buy them. Consider how or if it will be used. Use the memory of the previously mentioned blood, sweat, and tears to curate what will be added back into your space.

“We can do hard things”


Getting organized is hard work. Staying organized may even be harder work. But we CAN do hard things and curating a life that is full of the things and people that we love is worth it. So don’t give up! Keep working at it, and you’ll eventually find your space.

I also want to leave you with the wise words of Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, from The Home Edit, “The key to staying organized is to make it fun.” So find ways to make organization enjoyable for you. Listen to your favorite music while you declutter, or watch a funny movie while you’re tidying up. The more you enjoy the process, the more likely you are to stick with it.

So there you have it. Staying organized is a challenge, but it’s one that’s definitely worth it. Just remember to be patient, persistent, and have fun!